Welcome to the
Southern Society of Orthodontists
We are a member organization representing two constituents of the American Association of Orthodontists in the Southern United States. We are dedicated to promoting the specialty of orthodontics through continuing education, political advocacy and resources to help our 4,960 member orthodontists deliver quality patient care.
Engage with Us
Meet other orthodontists in our network, connect with vendors in your field and contribute to our ongoing efforts.

2025 Annual Session

November 6-8, 2025
Grand Hyatt, San Antonio, TX

Save the Date
2026 Annual Session
Nashville, TN | October 15-17, 2026
The SSO Constituents and Component States
The Southern Association of Orthodontists (SAO) and the Southwestern Society of Orthodontists (SWSO) combined operations as the Southern Society of Orthodontists (SSO) in June 2024. At the national level, the SAO and SWSO constituents maintain separate recognition and representation at the AAO House of Delegates. Combining operations as the SSO allows the two constituents to share resources for enhanced meetings, programs, and member services.
Southern Association of Orthodontists includes Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana (east), Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Southwestern Society of Orthodontists includes Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana (west), Oklahoma, Texas.
Each state has its own component organization, and many of the components have their own meetings and publications.
The SSO and the AAO
Click on the map to see how the SSO fits into the AAO.

and includes all the states
in light blue.
Orthodontists represents 19,000
orthodontist members throughout the
United States, Canada and abroad.